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নিয়মিত নই। মাঝে মাঝে পরা হয়।
নামজ বাসায় পড়া হয়
না। আমি তাজবিদ অনুযায়ী শুদ্ধভাবে কুরআন তেলাওয়াত করার জন্য চেষ্টা করতেছি।
হ্যা, আলহামদুলিল্লাহ সর্বোচ্চ চেষ্টা করা হয়
Salah, Durud, Tasbih, Quran Recitation, Zikr
মাঝে মাঝে দেখা হয়।
অবশ্যই। ইন শা আল্লাহ।
জি। আলহামদুলিল্লাহ আছে।
জ্বি। না।
We are a conservative family. My father died when I was just 13. I am the youngest son in my family. From my childhood I used to go to "Tablig" with my religious teacher. I was always in touch with Mawlana Mir Md. Samsul Islam who was my mentor. In my personal life I have engaged myself to study islam and comparative religion. I have studied Lectuers of Shayekh Dr. Abdullah Zahangir, Shayekh Dr. Zakir Naik, Shayek Ahmed Deedat, Shayekh Mufti Menk, Shayekh Nouman Ali Khan, Mawlana Mizanur Rahman, Shayekh Mawlana Kamauddin Zafori, Shayekh Abdur Razzak Bin Yousof, Shayekh Ahmadullah and other Bangladeshi and International speakers. I have studies below books; 1. Al Quran 2. Syrah, 3. Hadis Books ( Bukhari, Muslim and others not full partially) 4. Books of Shayekh Abdullah Zahangir, 5. Books of Tablig 6. Bible New and Old Testament ( To study comparative Religion) 7. Ar Rahikul Makhtun ( Reading Now)
Shayekh Khondokar Abdullah Zahanggir, Shayekh Ahmadullah, Shayekh Mawlana Kamauddin Zafori
দাঁড়ি এখনো রাখিনি। তবে ইন শা আল্লাহ খুবই তাড়াতাড়ি রেখে দিবো
I am Muslim ( Sunni, Nanafi) from Ahle Sunnah Wal Zamah,That is my Identity. I always try to rectify myself my studying and learning. I pray to Allah for hedayah for all human. I am tolerable and moderate to other ideas and Mazhab.
শুধুমাত্র নামাজের সময় পড়া হয়
Yes, I follow formal dress code. But always keep in mind about the sunna
জ্বি না। সর্বদা টাকনুর উপরে প্যান্ট পড়া হয় না। মাঝে মাঝে টাকনুর নিচেও পড়া হয়।
General Education ( I am Engineer, Alhamdulillah )
1. BSc in Eelectrical and Electronic Engineering , Passing Year: 2017, Institiute: Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology ( BUET), Result: 3.25/4.0 (1st Class) 2. HSC, Passing Year: 2012, Institute: Gazipur Cantonment College, Result: 5.0/5.0 3. SSC, Passing Year: 2010 Institute: Kapasia Government Pilot High School
Certified Supply Chain Manager ( CSCM), Have training in Dubai and Turkey
NO, Alhamdulillah
Manager, Arcelik Hitachi Singapore Ltd.
(Late) Government Officer
১ জন
১ জন
Presently I am living in Banasree, Dhaka. I have rented an apartment. My office is 9:00 AM ( Sun-Thu). Most of the time I stay in office then go to home take my salah. Study books and literature or watch Islamic lecture etc. Presently I am attending BCS expamination. I have attended Viba for 41st and Written for 43 I am waiting for final result now.
I have a fond of writing. I have authored 3 books in National Book fair, Alhamdulillah.
5 feet 1 inch-5 feet 6 inch
Fair, Bright Fair
Never Married
Hons running / complete/ equivalent
Student, Teacher
Middle Class
Middle Class
Sunni , Hanafi
Spirituality, Moral Vaues, Tolerance, Beauty , Understanding ability
Gazipur, Dhaka, Narshingdi, Narayanganj, Kishorganj, Tangail
Spituality ( Din Islam)>Beauty>Social Aspect>Wealth ( Minor)
Village: Shafisree, Union: Kapasia , Post+Upazila: Kapasia, District: Gazipur
Block C, Banasree, Dhaka
We have our own home at Kapasia, Gazipur. In Dhaka I have purchased a land in Purbachal. Insha Allah one day we will have a home here.
Kapasia, Gazipur
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